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2025 Business of the Month – Start Voting by clicking on the Business of the Month graphic.
Each month, Chamber Red Carpet team nominates member businesses in a specific category, based on Chamber and Community involvement.
Nominations are announced on the first Member Monday each month. Nominees will receive a congratulatory certificate from the Chamber, and the winning business will be determined by a community vote on the Chamber website. This enables not only Chamber members to vote but gives each business the opportunity to promote their nomination and encourage their customers to vote as well! Feel Free to Share.

Click on the link or QR code to preview. We will not start bidding until 9 am March 28. Each time you bid your name will be entered for a drawing to a local member business. This will be live on Facebook each Monday, Wednesday and Friday for the 2 weeks.
Thank you to all our donors. Please support them and shop local. Thank you to Rob Just of Main Street Wealth Management for uploading all the graphics and information.